
  Privacy Policy WKXVII provides the app "Freelancing Helper" as a free app, developed by an individual developer. This service is available at no cost to the user when using it. This page is used to inform visitors of our policies with the collection, use and disclosure of personal information from anyone who chooses to use our service. If you choose to use our service, you consent to the collection and use of information in connection with this policy. The personal information we collect is used to provide and improve our service. We will not use or share your information with anyone other than as described in this Privacy Policy. Collection and Use of Information The app uses only its local database, Android's secury storage and Android's shared preferences to store data. Every data related with work records and your name in the app (Can be set on settings page) are NOT used outside the app. Meaning that records, hirers and your name in the app WILL NOT be collecte